Product Documentation

Membership Portal Account Creation Instructions for Already Registered Members

If you have never accessed your profile on the Membership Portal

Follow the Link:

Membership Portal

to Create your Portal Account

Note: This account creation procedure is for all members – Athletes, Volunteers, Family Admins and Group Home Coordinator. Your roles will display on landing page in Athlete Roles/Volunteer Roles windows

Step 1

Select Create Portal Account from Portal Home screen


Step 2

Select SO Ontario from Your Chapter/Province/Territory field drop-down

Fill out Your Information fields. Filled in information must match with which you are already registered in database

Home Community – select community in which you are involved in as athlete/volunteer

Click Next Step

Note: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Email have to match exactly to your profile in the Special Olympics Membership System. If you are not sure about your information that you have to enter in the registration fields, ask your community/head coach/team manager. Or Contact


Step 3

You will get confirmation window notifying that system has found you.

You have to select Validation Method from Please select Validation Method

Note – Select Text Message only if your profile has Cell Phone number.

Step 4

Check your email inbox, if you selected Email option

Select your cell phone, if you selected Text Message option

Enter code in Enter Code field which is sent by system to you

Click Submit to save it

Note: If you do not find system email in your Inbox, please check your Junk folder


Step 5

In Account Creation window

Enter your Email in Reenter Email field

Enter Password twice in the provided fields. Follow the Password Rules to enter password.

Click on Create Portal Account


Step 6

After account creation following will be your Landing page.

If you wish to review/update your information, Click on My options dropdown at top right corner of the screen to get menu options.

Athlete – If you wish to see more options, select Continue form the Participant Role Window

Volunteer, Family Admin, Group Home Admin – If you wish to see more options, select Continue form the Volunteer Role Window

Note: You can see your role in Athlete / Volunteer Role Window only if you have an active enrollment in a program

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