Competition Host Committee Roles

Competition Host Committee Roles Successfully hosting a competition means bringing together volunteers and representatives from various levels: the competition host from the local community, members of the Sport Specific Conference, sport technical delegates, and staff from Special Olympics Ontario. Roles may vary depending on the level of competition, ie. invitational versus Provincial Qualifier.  The following are brief descriptions of the possible …

Registration Package

Registration Package   The Competition Host should send a registration package to all coaches that may attend the competition at least six weeks in advance. This allows adequate time for coaches to make travel arrangements and obtain all the necessary information required on the registration form.   Registration Package Checklist   The Competition Flyer must include the following information: Date …

Competition Wrap Up

Competition Wrap Up Budget Final payment of all invoices in conjunction with community council to be completed. Provide the community council with your final budget. If seeking a provincial grant to cover a deficit, submit the final budget to SOO’s Sport & Competition Developer. Evaluation Work on a final evaluation with your host committee and collect any feedback from clubs …

Day of Competition Requirements

Day of Competition Requirements Registration Welcome the volunteers and teams as they arrive at the venue. Hand out registration package Receive any outstanding registration payments Collect team scratch sheets Have volunteers sign off on the Team Roster is applicable Volunteer Orientation Prior to the start of the competition gather all of the event volunteers: Thank them for volunteering! Give them …

Steps to Hosting a Competition

Steps to Hosting a Competition Set a Date Choose a date, time and location for competition Communicate the information with your District Developer and on the Sport Specific Pre-season Coaches Call Submit the event to the SOO Events Calendar Book Facility Make sure the facility has the following (if any of the following is missing include that information on the …

Minimum Requirements for Hosting a Competition

Minimum Requirements for Hosting a Competition   Invitational Competitions      Includes any ability level as designated by competition host  Pre- Divisioning / Seeding is not required.  Individual sports can be divisioned with final results. Team sports can use self divisioning.  Sport rules may be adapted slightly, however rules regarding safety of athletes and coaches cannot be altered. As well, sport rules cannot be altered …

Athletes Who Train and Compete in More Than One Sport Club

Athletes Who Train and Compete in More Than One Sport Club   For a variety of reasons, athletes may train with more than one club. The athlete would otherwise understand Sport Policy 7000-205, “Athlete Participation in Outside Communities.”   While athletes may take advantage of the extra competition opportunity and participate in two Provincial Qualifiers, athletes may only qualify for …

Maximum Performance Rule

Maximum Performance Rule   The Maximum Performance Rule can be found in it’s entirety in policy 7000-208.   Individual Sports   Divisioning heats (preliminary rounds) are conducted to ensure that athletes compete against athletes of like ability levels in final rounds of competition. To ensure that athletes compete at the best of their ability during the divisioning round, the maximum …

Divisioning Team Sports

Divisioning Team Sports   One of the most important aspects of a successful tournament is the placement of teams in appropriate ability levels. Within most conferences there is an “unofficial” hierarchy of teams that has developed over the years. This is usually called level A, B, C, D. These “unofficial” hierarchies are based on past performance and local knowledge of …

Definition of Divisioning

Definition of Divisioning   Special Olympics competitions provide athletes with the opportunity to demonstrate sport skills they have acquired during training. Special Olympics athletes, like all dedicated athletes, strive for their best performance at each competition. The fundamental difference which sets Special Olympics competitions apart from those of other sports organizations is that athletes of all ability levels are encouraged …