Competition Risk Management

Competition Risk Management


Insurance Requisition


If you are hosting your competition in a facility different from your training facility, you will need to request insurance for the competition.  Please fill out the online Insurance Requisition form, found of the SOO webpage.


First Aid / Medical Services


First Aid and Medical Services are required on-site for all competitions.  This may include any of the following:

  • Athlete Therapist or Physiotherapist
  • Medical Practitioner (R.N., Physician, etc)
  • First Responder (St. John’s Ambulance etc)
  • Medical Response Team (Paramedics, Ambulance)
  • Lifeguards at Swimming Pools


Emergency Action Plan


Every competition must have an Emergency Action Plan in place in the event of an emergency.  

The Emergency Action Plan includes three main areas of concentration.

  1. Person in Charge    
  2. Call Person    
  3. Control Person


Person in Charge


Where possible, the person in charge should be an individual with specialized training in injury care or first aid.


The duties of the person in charge include all of the following:

  • Initially when coming in contact with the injured athlete, take control, and assess the situation.
  • Instruct any bystanders to leave the athlete alone.
  • Do not move the athlete; leave any equipment in place.
  • Evaluate the injury.  This may include anything from an unconscious athlete to a sprained finger.  Once you have assessed the severity of the injury, decide whether or not an ambulance is required.
  • If you are certain that an ambulance is not needed, then decide what action is to be taken to remove the athlete from the playing surface.
  • If an ambulance is required, then notify your call person, give a brief explanation of the injury and tell them to make the call for the ambulance.
  • Once the call has been placed, observe the athlete carefully for any change in condition and try to calm and reassure the injured player until professional help arrives.
  • STAY CALM – Keep an even tone in your voice.
  • Make note of time which injury occurred.


Call Person


If it is deemed necessary or advisable to summon emergency medical services and transportation, a call person should be pre-assigned to call for emergency services.

  • Know the location of all emergency telephones
  • Have a list of all emergency numbers related to the city or town in which the program is taking place (i.e. on your person, in the trainer’s kit)
  • Emergency Telephone Numbers to be included: Ambulance, Hospital, General Emergency, Fire Dept., Police, Directions to Facility including closest main intersection
  • These numbers should be written on a wallet size card and carried at all times
  • If possible, telephone numbers should be permanently placed by the emergency telephone
  • Display specific directions of the best route to the arena
  • Quarters should be carried at all times if the emergency telephone is a pay phone.  If quarters are not available call the operator or 911
  • Do not rely on numbers being posted by the telephone
  • Do not rely on the operator to transfer the call or messages.  Stay on the line until you are sure that the message has been given.
  • STAY CALM when giving information


Information the Call Person Must Give the Dispatcher:


  • State that it is a medical emergency.
  • Give the location – clearly and calmly.
  • State what the emergency is:  Is the patient conscious? Breathing normally?  Bleeding? etc.
  • Give the telephone number from which you are placing the call in case they have to phone back for more information.  Have someone stay by the phone if possible.
  • Give the dispatcher the best route into the facility.
  • Ask for the estimated time of arrival of the ambulance to the arena.
  • Wait for them to hang up first.
  • Report back to person in charge and confirm that you have made the call and give the estimated time of arrival of ambulance, etc.


Control Person


For the Emergency Action Plan to be effective someone must be assigned for crowd control.

  • Discuss the plan with the other people involved
  • Ensure that team-mates and spectators are not in the way of the Person in Charge
  • Ensure that the route for the ambulance crew is clear and available
  • If the Person in Charge feels it is a serious injury, inquire if there is highly trained medical personnel available (i.e. MD, Nurse) in the area.  Inquiry may be accomplished by the loud speaker or intercom system in the area.


Please ensure that an Accident or Incident Form is completed and submitted to SOO. These are available in online submission format on the website.





Name of Competition:




Name of Facility:




Address of Facility:  




Phone number of Facility:  




Closest Main Intersection to Facility:











Fire Department:    
