The Community Council’s main priority is to ensure that all Special Olympics Ontario activities – sport practices, competitions, fundraisers and other events – are carried out with the mission of the organization in mind and pose no health and safety or publicity risk to the organization. 

To achieve this goal, Community Councils meet on a monthly basis to ensure that they are kept up to date on all SOO happenings in the community. 

The format of the Community Council meeting varies from community-to-community and it is important that each Council determines which format will work best for them. The following are examples of formats that can be used: 

  • The Community Council meets exclusively once a month and invites coaches/volunteers to present reports or attend meetings as needed 
  • The Community Council holds meetings on a monthly basis that all Head Coaches or Sport Club Managers are invited to attend 
  • The Community Council holds executive meetings (Council members only) once a month and has designated meetings throughout the year that Head Coaches or Sport Club Managers are invited to attend 

Most Community Councils find that it is best to determine which night of the week and which week of the month are best for members to attend meetings and then set a standing meeting time for the year (eg. the second Tuesday of every month). 

Program Consultants and other Special Olympics Ontario staff members can be invited to attend any Community Council meeting. Program Consultants should attend one Community meeting each year, however, staff can be present at more meetings if required. 

In this section you will find:  

  • Information regarding various meetings the Community Council may choose to hold 
  • Monthly Community Council meetings 
  • Head Coach meetings 
  • Training sessions 
  • Fundraising discussions 
  • Competition planning committees 
  • A sample agenda with a breakdown of what information should be covered 

Special Olympics [community] Council Meeting – [date] 

Members Copied: [invite list] 

  1. Call to order 
  1. Roll call of members present 
  1. Reading of minutes of last meeting  
  1. Officers reports – we will follow the agenda and go through each sport with the designated person giving updates 
  1. Unfinished business  
  1. New business  
  1. Special Announcements 
  1. Round Table 
  1. Set date for next meeting 
  1. Adjournment  


Sport Team Updates 

  • Head Coaches to provide update on team progress, tournaments, issues 


  • Treasurer to provide update and distribute financials 


  • Updates on any fundraising initiatives, past and future 

Volunteer Coordination 

  • Updates on new volunteers or sport clubs requiring volunteer recruitment 

Social Events for Athletes and Volunteers 

  • Updates on any initiatives, past and future 


  • Any items that do not fall in other categories 

Round Table 

  • Go around the room and allow anyone to contribute new items for discussion 

Next Meeting 

  • Set date for next and/or future meetings 
  • Membership involvement at meetings 

We recognize that Special Olympics Ontario’s programs and reach often extend beyond those individuals who are defined as Council Members in our bylaws. We use the word “member” as a broad concept to reflect the different parts of our community. Athletes, coaches, and parents are important to Special Olympics Ontario and make up our “membership”.