Councils and Committees
Community Council Declaration of InterestCommunity-Council-Declaration-of-Interest-filable-1
COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTION PROCEDURESCOMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTION PROCEDURES As outlined in the Special Olympics Ontario Bylaws, Community Council positions are elected positions and no term limit can exceed two years. Most Community Councils choose to hold their bi-annual elections in conjunction with their Annual Member’s Meeting every other year.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATIONThis page is currently under review by Special Olympics Ontario COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATION Eligibility for Nomination Any registered volunteer OR member of the public who meets the criteria for membership in Special Olympics Ontario Inc. may stand as a candidate for election to Community Council.
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COMMUNITY MEETINGSABOUT THIS SECTION The Community Council’s main priority is to ensure that all Special Olympics Ontario activities – sport practices, competitions, fundraisers and other events – are carried out with the mission of the organization in mind and pose no health and safety or publicity risk to the organization. To achieve this goal, Community Councils meet on a monthly basis to ensure that they are kept up to date on all SOO happenings in the community. The format of the Community Council meeting varies from community-to-community and it is important that each Council determines which format will work best for them.
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