Pan Canadian 4000-13 Peer Mentor Policy- 2017

4000-13 PAGE 1 OF 1      Peer mentors are athletes with an intellectual disability who have successfully completed the Peer Mentorship program. The Peer Mentorship program provides the athlete with knowledge, skills and confidence to take on a mentorship role within a Special Olympics sport program. Peer mentors will support and assist the head coach within a sport program. Athletes …

7000-100 Privacy and Security Policy and Terms of Use

Special Olympics Canada has implemented Pan Canadian Policies for all chapters. PAN CANADIAN CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY In addition, Special Olympics Ontario will be bound by the following Privacy and Security Policy: 7000-100: SPECIAL OLYMPICS ONTARIO PRIVACY AND SECURITY POLICY & TERMS OF USE Thank you for reviewing the following information concerning the Special Olympics Ontario Inc. (the Charity) Privacy and Security …


BY‑LAW NO. 11 of SPECIAL OLYMPICS ONTARIO INC. (the “Corporation”) By‑law Nos. 5 and 10 are repealed in their entirety and the following substituted therefor: Current as of October 18, 2006 Special Olympics Oath: “Let me win, but if I cannot win Let me be brave in the attempt” TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1. Head Office. 1 2. Corporate …