Special Olympics Ontario recognizes that Online Fundraising has become a very successful and convenient method of fundraising for communities and volunteers for various programs and events. To assist communities and volunteers SOO has created customized pages for every community using the Crowdchange fundraising platform.

Special Olympics Ontario uses Crowdchange for many Provincial online fundraising campaigns and has identified Crowdchange as, at present, the only online fundraising platform to be used by Special Olympics Ontario Communities & Volunteers.

Benefits of using Crowdchange

  • Allows SOO to maintain the source document required by the Canada Revenue Agency for the issuing of Charitable Tax Receipts.
  • Crowdchange is integrated with SOO’s centralized banking system.
  • Provides SOO with the ability to ensure the charities fiduciary responsibility for all monies raised and protects the organizations charitable status.
  • Low overhead costs.
  • Donors have the option to cover administration fees as part of their donation and this fee will be included in your official tax receipt.
  • Easy to use & SOO provides staff support for any questions from volunteers & donors.

Other online fundraising platforms

  • Cannot collect the source document on behalf of SOO as required by the Canada Revenue Agency for the issuing of Charitable Tax Receipts. Essentially, these monies are not deemed to be donations by SOO and no tax receipt can be issued.
  • Not integrated with SOO’s centralized banking system.
  • Hidden costs.
  • No staff support.
  • No ability to ensure the charities fiduciary responsibility, and thus properly protect and maintain our charitable status, for all monies raised using the Special Olympics Ontario name or brand.

Special Olympics Ontario reserves the right to decide how our name and logo are used and to ensure the maintenance of our charitable status. Any community or sport club programs that are currently using any of the various fundraising platforms other than Crowdchange are to cease doing so immediately and to take down these pages.