This document is currently under review by Special Olympics Ontario  MEDIA DOs & DON’Ts  Make sure your event or story is newsworthy.  Never use pressure to get publicity for your event.  Keep your news releases as short and concise as possible. Send your media release to a specific person. They should arrive at least three days prior to your event.  …

Stock/share Donations

STOCK/SHARE DONATIONS An individual or a company may offer to donate stocks or shares to the organization. If the community or club receives this offer, please contact the Donation Administrator from SOO office to advise who the donor is as well as the name of the contact of their financial institution so that we can provide a copy of the …


This page is currently under review by Special Olympics Ontario   COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATION   Eligibility for Nomination   Any registered volunteer OR member of the public who meets the criteria for membership in Special Olympics Ontario Inc. may stand as a candidate for election to Community Council. Nominations shall be opened at the May council meeting and …


  COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTION PROCEDURES As outlined in the Special Olympics Ontario Bylaws, Community Council positions are elected positions and no term limit can exceed two years. Most Community Councils choose to hold their bi-annual elections in conjunction with their Annual Member’s Meeting every other year. Some councils, however, hold rotating elections where every year half of the council positions …

Provincial Correspondence

PROVINCIAL CORRESPONDENCE   Not only is it important for the Community Council to keep in touch with its constituents but it is equally as important for the Provincial Office to keep in touch with the Community Councils and all Stakeholders of the organization.   Each month the Marketing Department releases an e-newsletter. The newsletter contains information regarding special events, fundraising …

Social Media

DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA POLICIES   Creating an effective set of social media conduct guidelines demands that we listen to users, resolve conflicting needs and remain both open and engaged with internal and external communities.   Defining and developing guidelines and policies as it relates to the development of an organic social media code is critical for Special Olympics Ontario …

Language Guidelines

LANGUAGE GUIDELINES   Words matter. Words can open doors to cultivate the understanding and respect that enable people with disabilities to lead fuller, more independent lives. The following language guidelines have been developed by experts for use by anyone writing or speaking about people with an intellectual disability to ensure that all people are portrayed with individuality and dignity.   …