Special Olympics Ontario has several established partnerships which raise funds at the provincial or national level. All funds raised through national partnerships are directed into program support that directly affects all community Special Olympics Ontario (SOO) programs.  Funds are then put into community programs and help pay for various expenses including games travel, accommodations, meals, staff support to the field, grants to new community programs, volunteer and athlete training, administration and information/promotional materials and development initiatives like School Programs which opens up opportunities to new athletes.  It’s important to have the support of our incredible national partners that not only bring immense publicity and awareness to the movement but also helps SOO create an equitable playing field.  At SOO, small programs, large programs, big cities and small communities are treated with the same level of importance. 


Some campaigns encourage local communities to become involved in order to allow the company’s employees and the public to connect with the Special Olympics movement. Local communities may also be asked to take part in order to provide enough volunteers to ensure a successful event. 


In addition to fundraising events, communities may be asked to participate in relationship-building marketing initiatives that enhance SOO’s relationship with its sponsors while bringing media attention to the movement. Such events may include new store openings, lunch and learns, etc.


It is suggested that local fundraising efforts avoid approaching provincial or national sponsors in order to prevent duplication of support, or confusion on the part of the sponsoring partner. That said, if there is an existing agreement or relationship with the local branch or franchise of one of these companies, there is no intent to prevent that from continuing. Please see  for a listing of provincial and national sponsors.Â