Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I get a receipt for something I bought at a silent auction?

A: Receipts are not issued to those purchasing an item through a silent auction.

Q: Do I need a licence for a silent auction?

A: Most municipalities do not require licences for silent auctions.

Q: If I give money to an LETR toll booth, does it stay in the community?
A: Most funds raised by LETR are directed to provincial initiatives.

Q: The local sports uniform supplier donated his resources to have our jerseys screened. Can we put his logo on the sleeve?
A: Team uniforms used in district, provincial or national competition are not to include sponsor logos.

Q: A local banquet hall provided the room for free. Can they get a tax receipt?

A: This is considered an in-kind donation. If the donor is a company, a receipt can be issued. Please see in-kind page

Q: Does the community treasurer prepare tax receipts for cash or cheque donations?

A: All official tax receipts are issued by SOO. The community treasurer will note the donor’s address information on the transaction deposit form, and the official tax receipt will be taken care of by the Donor Relations Coordinator at the Provincial Office. The local treasurer may supply a written receipt for tracking purposes only.

Q: I have this great idea for fundraising, how do I know if I am able to pursue it?

A: If you have an idea that you are unsure of, contact your local Program Consultant and/or the Manager of Community Fundraising and Sponsorships. There may be issues that you are not aware of that would prevent the fundraising from taking place, such as insurance requirements, lottery license, etc.

Q: I would like to approach a company in our town for sponsorship but realized they are already a Provincial sponsor of Special Olympics Ontario. What should I do?

A: Contact your Program Consultant.  In most cases there is not a problem with contacting the company, however there may be a process that needs to be followed. For example, the contact may be made through the head office of the company and passed down through the local branch. It is important that companies are being approached by only one level of Special Olympics.Â