7000-314: Reserve Performance Quotas for Provincial Games (Team Sport)

Review Date: February 2021            

Effective Date: February 2021

When assigning quota for team sports for Provincial Games, two (2) team quotas will be held in reserve as Performance quota. The following procedure outlines how the Reserve Performance quota will be assigned.

Step 1: Team Sport quotas will be assigned as outlined in Policy 7000-303, however two (2) quotas will be held in reserve.

Step 2: Special Olympics Ontario’s Sport & Competition Developer, along with the Provincial Convenor will review the teams that have been identified for advancement and determine whether there will be any gaps in ability level competition.

Step 3: If any gaps in ability level competition are identified SOO’s Sport & Competition Developer will identify the next eligible team(s) from the ability level(s) that are lacking competitive opponents. The Reserve Performance quota(s) will then be applied to this/these team(s).

Step 4: Any Reserve Performance Quota which are not used will be placed back into the general quota and Policy 7000-303 will be used to assign the quota.