Special Olympics Ontario currently utilizes the CrowdChange ( online fundraising tool that communities can use to raise funds via the internet. Similar to individual fundraising pages used by other major charitable organizations, the CrowdChange platform allows communities or clubs to set up a page, creating a link that can be provided to potential donors. These online donations are directed back to the community, less a minimal transaction fee. 

A province-wide launch of CrowdChange has followed which allows all interested communities/ users to use this platform as a means to fundraise and reach a greater audience. Communities now have their very own personal fundraising page set up and ready for personalization. In addition, individual pages for fundraising events, ticketed events, registrations, and more can be created on CrowdChange. 

Please contact SOO’s Marketing Department for more information on this initiative or for any help in activating and creating a page. The Marketing Department (along with the Manager of Community Fundraising and Sponsorship) are also available to help provide resources (such as QR codes) and tips/suggestions to assist with online fundraising.