A concussion can occur from a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth within the skull. It is a brain injury that causes changes in how the brain functions, leading to symptoms that may include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Difficulty concentrating or remembering
- Depression or irritability
- Drowsiness or difficulty falling asleep
Though concussions are common sport injuries, particularly among children and adolescents, their sometimes subtle symptoms may go unnoticed. Without identification and proper management, a concussion can result in permanent or severe brain damage.
Special Olympics Ontario recognizes the importance of offering education and training to raise awareness about concussion safety for its coaches, volunteers, parents and athletes and in providing the most relevant information to our constituents.
This is accomplished through training as part of both Special Olympics General Orientation – Module 3 – Risk Management and the additional requirement of the NCCP Making Headway Module. Both of these courses are accessible through the online learning portal at
In addition Coaches are required to familiarize themselves with Special Olympics Ontario’s Concussion & Return to Play Guidelines found in the policy section of this resource.
For more information on concussions please use the links below:
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Concussions
Coaches Association of Ontario: Brain Injury Links
Coaches Association of Ontario: Coaches Guide