Community Athlete Representative 13 Month Check List


Things you will do:

â–¡ Create introduction letter for community council/ clubs

â–¡ Introduce yourself to your District Developer

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Introduce yourself to your Provincial Athlete Advisory District Representative

Things you may do:

â–¡ Start introducing yourself to volunteers and athletes in your community


□ Create your biography, what are your interests/ sports…

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Create a list of clubs in your community that you will visit over your term

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ Create a list of schools/external clubs that you may visit over your term


â–¡ Start visiting sports clubs in your area, take along your biography and speak to the athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Connect with P.R. coordinator in your community and talk about helping get media coverage, circulate your biography

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ Start doing school or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Work with PR coordinator on Public Speaking Events

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Connect with your Fundraising coordinator about how you or other athletes can get involved in fundraising in your community

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Report back to your District Developer on how things are going and what you have done

â–¡ Work with your Fundraising Coordinator and participate in a fundraising event

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Connect with your athlete/volunteer coordinator to see how you and other athletes can help find new athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Work with your athlete/volunteer coordinator on recruitment events (athlete or volunteer information session)

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Work with your athlete/volunteer coordinator on recruitment events (athlete or volunteer information session)

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Start thinking about finding an athlete to replace you as the Athlete Ambassador for your community. Visit local clubs and present on what it means to be an AA.

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Prepare an application form for athletes interested in being the AA

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Visit sports clubs in your area, speak to athletes and volunteers

â–¡ Get feedback from athletes about their interests, concerns and wishes for Special Olympics

â–¡ Report your feedback to your P.A.A.C. representative & Community Council

â–¡ Send out AA application forms to local clubs. All forms must be returned to the community council by month end

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Read all applications and talk with the community coordinator about who would be a good AA

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Review AA applications with community council and select a new Athlete Ambassador for your community

â–¡ Inform the new AA that they have been chosen and introduce them to the council

â–¡ Send a Thank you note to your community council and say Thank you to the P.A.A.C. and your DD for working with you

â–¡ Attend a Community Council Meeting

â–¡ Public Speaking or Media Events

â–¡ School or external organization visits


â–¡ Shadow the new Athlete Representative, introduce them to the sports clubs and help them when they need it

â–¡ Contact your District Developer and submit your completed checklist to them

â–¡ Receive your Thank you gift in the mail