Athlete Oath

ATHLETE OATH “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave at the attempt” Eunice Kennedy Shriver jotted down the Special Olympics athlete oath on the morning of July 20, 1968 — just ahead of the opening of the very first Special Olympics International Games. She recited them at a brief Opening Ceremony at Chicago’s Soldier Field …

Athlete Appeals

ATHLETE APPEALS   If you are unhappy with a decision regarding eligibility or participation, you have the right to an appeal. If you would like to submit an appeal to Special Olympics Ontario please fill out the Appeals & Complaints Submission form.   You can directly access the Appeals & Complaints Submission form by clicking on the following link:   Athlete Appeals Form …

ALPs ALC Peer Mentors

Opportunities for Athletes test This section explores leadership and mentorship opportunities for Special Olympics athletes, in and through sport. Athlete Empowerment Special Olympics Ontario is committed to ensuring that athletes participate in all key areas of the organization through athlete empowerment initiatives. This commitment hopes to ensure that athletes are given the opportunity to participate in the Special Olympics movement …

Community Athlete Representative Nomination Form

Community Athlete RepresentativeNomination Form Name of nominee:   Phone or email of nominee:     Name of person completing this form:     Phone or email of person completing this form:     Role of person completing this form (Athlete, Coach, Volunteer, Parent etc.):     How long has the nominee been a part of Special Olympics?     Please …

Community Athlete Representative – Manual 2018

Community Athlete Representative Manual 1 Community Athlete Representative Manual Table Contents Community Athlete Representatives Special Olympics Athlete Leaders have the opportunity to become active members of their local Community Council. They can do this by applying to be a Community Athlete Representative or being nominated to be a Community Athlete Representative. The role of the Community Athlete Representative is to …

Athlete Empowerment & Leadership

Athlete Empowerment & Leadership Athlete Empowerment Special Olympics Ontario is committed to ensuring that athletes participate in all key areas of the organization through athlete empowerment initiatives. This commitment hopes to ensure that athletes are given the opportunity to participate in the Special Olympics movement beyond sports training and competition. Through athlete empowerment, Special Olympics Ontario hopes to help athletes …