Athlete Rights & Responsabilities
This section explores the rights and responsibilities of Special Olympics athletes in and through sport.
Athlete AppealsATHLETE APPEALS If you are unhappy with a decision regarding eligibility or participation, you have the right to an appeal. If you would like to submit an appeal to Special Olympics Ontario please fill out the Appeals & Complaints Submission form.
Athlete Code of ConductTo download this document, for saving or printing, please scroll to the bottom of the page, hover over the document and click on the down arrow inside of the page, as shown in the image below.
Athlete OathATHLETE OATH “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave at the attempt” Eunice Kennedy Shriver jotted down the Special Olympics athlete oath on the morning of July 20, 1968 — just ahead of the opening of the very first Special Olympics International Games.
Rights & ResponsibilitiesATHLETE RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES I have the RIGHT to belong to Special Olympics Ontario (SOO). It is my RESPONSIBILITY to uphold its Oath and be dedicated to my sport and my team. I have the RIGHT to be treated fairly and equally.