Sport Technical Co-ordinator Position Description
Sport Technical Co-ordinator Position Description
To provide a resource to community volunteers looking for specific sport information and to monitor the overall quality of experience in community sports programs through interacting with parents, coaches, and athletes.
- General knowledge of the rules and regulations of each sport offered by the community
- Resourceful in obtaining necessary information from other communities, Provincial office and other provincial sports bodies are necessary
- Certified in SOC NCCP course
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Access to computer and e-mail is required
Duties and Responsibilities
- Interact with parents, coaches, and athletes to ensure that sports programs are being run in accordance with Provincial and Community guidelines
- Ensure participation ratios of athletes to coaches are within safe and effective limits (ex. 4:1)
- Educate the importance of and monitor completion of SOC NCCP coaching courses of all SOO coaches
- Promote Sport Specific Conference call (SSCC) meeting to all community coaches
- Attend SSCC with community coaches
- Ensure ample competitive opportunities are available to all sport programs; work with Conference Convenors if opportunities are lacking
- Inform Provincial Staff Representative of any invitational competitions for monitoring and promotion purposes
- Liaise with sport technical coordinators from other communities and serve as a resource for coaches to “best practices” done in other community programs
- Function as a link between the Community Council and various sport clubs in communicating relevant changes and updates
- Keep Community Council informed on sport technical matters
- Assist with any athlete and volunteer issues that may arise (i.e. suspension, discipline, etc.) and keep SOO informed of these incidents using Accident and Incident Forms
- Work with Head Coaches to locate and procure a practice facility and ensure the facility meets safety standards
- Upon vacating the position all files etc. must be passed on to the new Sport Technical Coordinator
- Review and be familiar with sections the information and policies contained in the Resource Library
- Maintain Special Olympics e-mail address and Google Drive files
Time Requirement
The estimated time commitment is 2-5 hours per week.
Duration of the Position
Two year term or as per Community by-laws
To work in cooperation with the Community Council. To liaison with various SOO Provincial staff as necessary.
Orientation and Training
Orientation and training is available through the Community Council and/or representatives from the Provincial Office
Community Sport Technical Coordinator Year at a Glance
Winter Sport Season starts
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Check in with Winter sport coaches |
Summer Athlete Registration
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Work with summer coaches to make sure facilities are booked and that they have the proper certification and practice plans in place |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Check in with Winter/Spring coaches to see if any changes need to be made for next year’s season
Volunteer Week/ SOO Volunteer Gifts |
Beginning of Summer sport season/ End of Spring sport season
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Check in with Summer Coaches |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council |
End of Summer Sport Season
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Check in with the Summer coaches to see if any changes need to be made for next year’s season |
Winter/ Spring Athlete Registration
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Work with Winter/Spring coaches to make sure facilities are booked and that they have the proper certification and practice plans in place |
Beginning of Spring Sport Season
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council |
Act as liaison between sport clubs and council
Check in with Spring Coaches |
*Please Note: the year at a glance has been created as a guideline, additions or changes to the responsibilities of the position may be made based on the needs of the community