7000-402 National Games: Coach Selection to National Games

Review Date: February 2021                  

Effective Date: February 2021

To ensure fair and equitable selection of coaches to National Games the criteria outlined in the policy details below will be used to determine which coaches will be selected to Team Ontario.

Selection Process:

SOO will receive the quota from Special Olympics Canada for the number of Coach positions needed for each sport. A Coach Selection Committee (CSC), which will consist of the Chef de Mission, Mission Staff and Volunteers, will choose coaches in each sport.

It is the responsibility of SOO to distribute the Application Process to all Coaches that attended Provincial Games. All coaches are required to submit an application to be eligible for selection. Completed application forms must be submitted to SOO by the date stated on each application.

Members of the selection committee will meet (in person or by conference call) to select the coaches. The Chef de Mission will notify all successful applicants.

Any unsuccessful applicants may request, in writing, within 15 days of selection, an explanation as to why they were not selected. The Chef de Mission must respond within 30 days of receipt of the request.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Candidates must be registered volunteers with Special Olympics Ontario and eighteen (18) years of age as of the first day of competition
  2. Candidates shall attend the Provincial Games in the sport the year(s) preceding the National Games. Coaches who volunteered at the Provincial Games  as Sport Technical Advisors/ Venue Managers or Officials are eligible to apply for a coaching position for National games
  3. Minimum Coach Certifications are completed
  4. Coaching and management skills observed at the Provincial Games by the  SOO staff in attendance
  5. Information contained on application form regarding coaching and management of elite athletes
  6. Candidates shall be available to accompany the team for the entire length of the event
  7. Candidates shall be prepared to chaperone and coach a maximum of five (5) athletes, realizing at times you will be covering for other coaches who are attending other events
  8. Candidates shall be capable of functioning well in group settings, and as productive and positive team members
  9. Coaches should be knowledgeable in first aid and sports related injuries
  10. Coaches should have some travel experience with Special Olympics athletes
  11. When two coaches have equivalent qualifications, priority for selection shall be given to the coach whose athlete(s) are attending National Games

Additional Selection Criteria:

Coaching staff will be selected for their leadership skills, coaching experience and technical knowledge.  Additional Criteria that will be used for consideration:

  1. Additional qualifications (officiating, CPR/First Aid)
  2. Attendance at previous National Games (balance of experienced and new coaches)
  3. Coaches from communities that athletes are coming from
  4. Number of years with Special Olympics
  5. Number of years coaching sport applying for


A representative from the community council will be required to submit a letter of reference as their community endorsement  for National Games.