Provincial Sport Awards2

We are currently seeking nominations for deserving individuals in the following categories:

Click on the above category to review the award criteria and to nominate a deserving individual. Nominations are due April 30, 2024.

Please note that nominations cannot be submitted by a family member.

Please have the following ready when submitting a nomination: 
  •  One additional letter of reference
  • SOO Number (contact your Community Council if you need this information)
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Summary of results at Major Games & competitions
  •  Length of time the nominee has been participating with Special Olympics
  • List of Sports played/coached
All Award Winners will be notified with a letter of congratulations and will be presented with their awards. Provincial Award recipients will be nominated for National recognition through Special Olympics Canada. 
Please encourage your fellow SOO members to consider nominating someone for one of these distinguished awards. We want to acknowledge inspiring individuals from all over the Province!
For more information, please contact the SOO Awards Team: