Provincial Games Caddie Position Description
Provincial Games Caddie Position Description
Caddies will be selected by their athletes to attend Provincial Games and they are required to make a commitment to their athlete, their sport, and to the District Team. Caddies will ensure that their athlete has a successful and fulfilling experience at the Provincial Games and performs to the best of his/her ability before and during the games.
Minimum Qualifications:
Caddies must be registered volunteers with a submitted Police Records Check and Vulnerable Sector Search
Caddies must be 18 years of age or older
Caddies must be in good standing with their community and Special Olympics Ontario
- Caddies must meet the minimum certification to Provincial Games
- SOC Caddie Course
- Make Ethical Decisions
- Making Headway in Sport
- Safe Sport Training
- SOC Competition Coach Course (Strongly recommended, required for National Games)
Sport Responsibilities:
Caddies will work 1:1 with their athlete on the golf course
Can counsel athlete throughout the game on almost any matter ie: strategy, penalties, club selection, stance, etc.
The caddie will be responsible for the scoring of his/her athlete and at least one other athlete in their group. The caddies/score markers will then confer at the end of each hole on the correct score for each athlete they score for. The group needs to be set up so no one athlete scores solely for themselves.
Caddies are NOT permitted to touch a golf ball which is in play
Caddies are NOT permitted to counsel or move the athlete once the athlete addresses the ball
Once the athlete is ready to strike the ball, the caddie must remove him/herself from the line of sight of the athlete
Caddies are to ensure safe and reasonable pace of play eq. hitting the ball when safe to do so
At the end of the game, the caddie will return a completed scorecard for each athlete that they are responsible for in their foursome and present it to the officials at the Welcome Desk for posting.
Caddies are to insure that the scores are added properly. To insure that no adding errors are made, the score results with be input into a computerized spreadsheet. Once the scores are confirmed, the athlete will need to sign the scorecard to make it official
- Caddies will submit protests on behalf of their athlete when required (Provincial Games only)
Games Responsibilities:
Be available to attend the Provincial Games
Maintain regular contact with assigned athlete and their parents/guardians
Maintain regular contact with your District Team Manager
Be responsible for preparing athletes for their competition at the Games
Be responsible for the supervision and well-being of their athlete for the duration of the Games
Supervise up to five (5) athletes during travel to and from the games
Conduct oneself in accordance with the conditions outlined in Special Olympics Ontario Policy 7000-201 Travelling Teams – Roles and Responsibilities
Attend all required functions at the Games, i.e. Opening Ceremonies, Awards, Presentations, etc., representing Special Olympics Ontario, your District and your Community with distinction
All caddies must complete an evaluation form for their athlete and submit it to the DTM within one week of the Games
All caddies must travel to and from the Games as part of the District Team
Athletes have the ability to select their own caddie provided they meet the job requirements. If athletes advance to the National Games their caddie will advance with them provided they received a favourable games evaluation and are in good standing with their SOO Community.
Job Requirements:
Must have access to computer, internet and email.
Duration of the Job:
This position is responsible to the District Team Manager and Special Olympics Ontario.