
Secondary Programs


Welcome to the Secondary Schools Hub, your ultimate resource centre for all things Special Olympics!


Whether you're an educator, board rep, coach, or team member, this hub is designed to provide you with easy access to essential information and support to ensure a smooth and successful experience. Explore our comprehensive sections below to stay informed, prepared, and engaged throughout the exciting journey to creating inclusive school spaces.  


Welcome back to the SOO family, everyone! Start by checking out what’s in store for you this year. Explore our attached booklet filled with exciting new events, initiatives, and programs.

Click to view the program booklet

Events & Virtual Sessions

Health & Fitness Series

Weekly (Free) from September 2024 - August 2025

Special Olympics Ontario is excited to launch a free Dance & Fitness series for all students weekly all school year.

Every other Thursday from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, join us for a live mobility and exercise class exclusively for SOO students.

Wednesday's Bi-weekly live dance class will also take place on from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. All sessions will be recorded and available on Zoom.

You can easily register for these sessions through your school year registration form. Check out our Events Calendar to see when each session is.

Bi-Weekly Fitness/Mobility: Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Click here to join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 86032819251

Most Recent Recording: Click Here to Watch - Passcode: 3i1&Y79R

Bi-Weekly Dance: Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Click here to join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 892 5181 8110

All Recordings: Click Here

Canadian Sport Hall of Fame Course 

Free and Accessible Year Round

Special Olympics Canada has launched a national education program that shares the inspiring story of Jackie Barrett, the first Special Olympics athlete in Canada's Sports Hall of Fame. This four-module, curriculum-aligned program for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion through Barrett's incredible journey. Designed for flexible learning, it empowers youth to embrace inclusion in sport and life.

 Click Here to Access the Course 

View Promo Video

Multi-Sport Week

June 16 -20th, 2025

More information coming soon! 

Challenges Information Sheet (coming soon)
 Handout (coming soon)
Winter Welcome Back - Town Hall
Thursday January 23rd @ 4:00pm

SOO has some important information we want to share in the New Year and bring the whole SOO community together. We are asking schools to have one representative sit in on the 30 presentations. We will leave 15-20 minutes for questions after the presentation. Everyone will receive a meeting invite

January 23rd - 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Click here to join on Microsoft Teams

Join Meeting
Meeting Recording
Meeting PTT

Tim Hortons Donut Day Week

January 31st

Looking for Whole School Engagement? You have found it  - get invovled with one of SOOs most exciting campaigns. See our guide below: 

Donut Day Activation Guide
Landing Page

SOO Bocce Host Call

Monday January 20th @ 4:00pm

To improve the quality and consistency of our events, we are asking all host schools to have one representative join our 30-minute prep call for the bocce season. Everyone will receive a meeting invite

January 20th - 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Join Meeting
Meeting Recording (Password: SOO)
Meeting PTT

Virtual Fun Fitness Week

January 20 - 24, 2025

Live Day Friday the 24th!

Bingo Handout
Challenges Information Sheet
Bingo/Score Submissions Folder 

Fun Friday Events!

  1. Welcome, Introduction & Live Warm Up - 10:30am
  2. Fitness Video - 10:40am
  3. Musical Chairs  11:00am
  4. BREAK – 11:15am
  5. Dance Party – 11:30am
  6. Mindfulness - 11:45am
  7. Trivia 12:00-m
  8. Cool Down – 12:30pm
  9. Wrap Up – 12:35pm

Microsoft Teams: Join the meeting now



    SOO Announcements – Monthly
    Schools will receive province-wide email announcements and reminders on the second Monday of each month.

    Regional Communications – Monthly
    Schools will receive an invitation email from their regional contact for each local event, followed by a reminder email approximately 10 days prior. After registration, a participant email with event details will be sent 5-6 days before the event. Additional communications may occur for special events and programs available in the community.


    Stay updated on all things Special Olympics by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Click Here to subscribe and keep informed about School Championships, award winners, qualifications, news, and opportunities. (Please check your “Other” mailbox or junk folder if you don’t see it.)


    Join our official WhatsApp group for educators to connect with teachers across the province. This platform promotes collaboration, engagement, and communication within the Special Olympics community. It’s where SOO shares updates, resources, and news, and gathers feedback.

    Click here to join the Special Olympics Educator WhatsApp Community
    The Community Includes:

    • General Announcements (One-Way) – Key updates from SOO.
    • Regional/District Chats (Two-Way) – Connect with fellow teachers in specific areas; check descriptions for city details.
    • Connective Space for Parents – A dedicated area for parent engagement.
    Join community

    Facebook Group

    Connect and share stories with the SOO community through our Special Olympics Educator Facebook Group. Click here to join.

    Join group


    Special Olympics Ontario has introduced a temporary registration process for this school year, with plans to implement a streamlined system next fall. All schools must complete their team and coach intake registration forms before participating in any SOO events. Following the initial registration, schools will need to complete additional event-specific forms as required. Please follow the steps below to register for the 2024/25 school year:

    2024/2025 Registration Instructions

    Note this process varies slightly between new and returning schools. New schools will be sent a blank form link. Returning schools will be sent a form with partial information to verify.

    Hosting & Volunteering

    Are you interested in hosting or volunteering at an event? Please begin by filling out the applicable form and review the information below to learn more:
    Host Form
    Volunteer Form

    Provincial School Championships

    June 3rd - 5th, 2025 | Ottawa

    Most Teams will compete at Carleton University, which will also serve as the accommodation site for everyone.

    Arrival Information:

    • Teams west of Peterborough will arrive a day early on June 2nd.
    • Teams east of and including Peterborough will arrive on June 3rd.

    The qualification process and rules are outlined below. Teams will be notified of their qualification status by the following dates:

    • November 4th for Soccer
    • January 13th for Basketball
    • March 31st for Bocce
    • April 14th for Track & Field
    • May 2nd for Floorball

    Acceptance deadlines will be strictly 1-2 weeks, depending on the time of year. Extensions will not be granted for acceptance or registration.

    To learn more, visit our School Champs Team Hub. Please note that the Team Hub is currently under construction but will be available in the coming months. Password Ottawa2025


    This school year, we are excited to offer more health programs and resources to students than ever before. Health programs are designed to enhance the physical health, social skills, and emotional well-being of Special Olympics athletes. Through the SOFitNow app, athletes can engage in fun challenges, track their progress, and work towards personalized fitness goals.

    Program Highlights:

    • Physical Health: Focus on nutritious eating, improving fitness, and adopting active lifestyles.
    • Social & Emotional Well-being: Strengthen social skills and overall mental health.
    • Challenges: Participate in exciting challenges like the Fit5 and Step Challenges, designed to keep athletes motivated.
    Healthy Athletes Info Booklet
    SOFitNow Information Package and User Guide

    Mentorship Program

    SOO will launch its new educator mentorship program later this year. The program is centered around creating a sustainable foundation for inclusive schools, cultures, and Special Olympics programming in schools.

    Prospective mentors can indicate their interest in mentoring a fellow teacher on the intake form. Educators who wish to get some support building up their program, are looking for a colleague to bounce ideas off, or if you are new to Special Olympics, you can indicate your interest in having a peer mentor on the form as well.

    Special Olympics will pair mentors with mentees in the same region where possible. Mentors are given a great deal of flexibility in how they choose to support their peers. The only requirement is that mentors arrange quarterly check-in meetings and be available to answer questions throughout the school year. SOO will provide a mentorship package with some suggested material to cover; however, this is at the mentor's discretion. Mentors will be provided a $100 gift card (Sobeys or Tim Hortons) annually for their support.

    In cases where there is no local mentor, SOO staff will take on a mentorship role.

    Join our community! 


    Community Programs

    In almost every local community Special Olympics runs volunteer driven sport-based programs for students outside of schools. With 18 sports offered each region has its own program offerings. Play while you’re in school, play after you graduate and play for the rest of your life. See our community programs page to find a program near you:

    Our Communities

    Connect with us!