Health Promotion uses interactive educational tools and displays, motivational literature and demonstrations to raise awareness of the need to improve and maintain an enhanced level of wellness and self-care. Additionally, Health Promotion interviews athletes to assess their health habits and conducts health screenings in three key areas: BMI-body mass index based on height and weight, BP-blood pressure, and BMD-bone mineral density. Health Promotion is by design fun, interactive, positive and engaging. In this environment, we help athletes learn how small changes in their behaviour can help them improve and maintain good health and sports performance.




Want to volunteer at a Healthy Athletes event? No prior experience is required but professionals or students in the following or related fields are welcome to volunteer for Health Promotion screenings: Nutrition, Health Education, Nursing, and Medicine. Contact Us!

SHAFEEQ ARMSTRONG | Shafeeq Armstrong has worked for Special Olympics Ontario as a Health Program Developer since 2015 and has volunteered as a basketball coach with the organization since 2012. He is excited about building a level of inclusive health for people with intellectual disabilities. He has an MSc in Human Health and Nutritional Science. Currently, he is completing a Master of Public Health with a specialization in Public Health Policy at the University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health.


JANET MCCABE |Dr. Janet McCabe, is an Associate Professor, in Nursing, with the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University. Informed by years of professional registered nursing practice in both acute and rehabilitative pediatric settings, Janet has worked with Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics Saskatchewan, and Special Olympics Ontario. Janet is committed to helping create and advocate for the health of individuals with intellectual disabilities – whether it’s through sport or the education of health care providers, and working with directly with individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families and caregivers.

KATIE AU | Dr. Katherine Au ("Dr. Katie") is a Clinical Director in Health Promotion for Special Olympics Canada. Dr. Katie is proud to be the owner and Clinic Director of one of Toronto's top-rated multidisciplinary health clinics, as well as an experienced Chiropractor and Fitness Trainer. She has combined professional experience of 26 years in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years as a practicing chiropractor, over 9 years as an acupuncture practitioner and 17 years as a personal trainer, strength and conditioning specialist and fitness coach.

COURTNEY ANDERSONÂ | Having started as a Community Sport Manager with Special Olympics Alberta, Courtney became passionate about the athletes and their health. Courtney believes the vision of Special Olympics and creating inclusive sport communities is profound and separates Special Olympics from other sport organizations. Courtney believes that Healthy Athletes expands further on this vision to provide inclusive health. With her background in health and nutrition and a graduate degree in Human Kinetics Courtney is excited to be a dedicated team member of the Healthy Athletes program.