Velma Bachtold: How One Year Became 20+

In 1989, I took my first step into the vibrant world of Special Olympics Chatham-Kent as a volunteer. Little did I know that this initial experience would ignite a lifelong journey of passion and dedication. From those early days, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of sports in the lives of athletes with intellectual disabilities.

In 2004 I returned to Special Olympics, drawn back by memories of camaraderie and the joy of seeing athletes thrive. My role was humble yet crucial – collecting weekly payments for bowling sessions and ensuring the logistics ran smoothly at the alley. It was a small task, but it connected me once again to the heart of the Special Olympics community.

 By 2005, I took on a new challenge as a coach for both bowling and softball. Guiding athletes through techniques, strategies, and fostering their competitive spirit became not just a responsibility but a source of immense fulfillment. The smiles on their faces and their determination on the field or lanes became my motivation.

As years passed, my involvement deepened. In 2017, I embraced the role of co-coordinator, working alongside dedicated colleagues to expand opportunities and enhance the experiences of our athletes. Stepping into the coordinator position in 2019 marked a milestone, where I could shape the future of our programs and advocate for inclusion and acceptance in our community.

Throughout this journey, one of the most rewarding aspects has been accompanying our softball team to provincial games for 15 consecutive years. Each year brought new challenges and triumphs, strengthening bonds and creating memories that define our team spirit.

This year, I had the privilege of attending my first School Championships, witnessing firsthand the impact of our programs on younger athletes and their families. It was a reminder of the ripple effect of our efforts – how one person's dedication can inspire generations to come.

Beyond sports, my involvement extends to collaborative efforts with the Chatham-Kent Law Enforcement Run team. Together, we organize events that not only raise funds but also promote awareness and understanding across our community. Their support has been invaluable, reinforcing the inclusive spirit that defines Special Olympics.

Reflecting on my journey, from volunteer to coordinator, I am filled with gratitude for the athletes who continue to teach me about resilience and determination. Special Olympics Chatham-Kent is more than an organization; it is a family bound by shared experiences and a commitment to empowering individuals through sports.

Looking ahead, my passion for this cause remains as strong as it was on that first day in 1989. Every day brings new opportunities to make a difference, to celebrate achievements large and small, and to champion a world where every individual is valued for their abilities.

In the end, my story with Special Olympics Chatham-Kent is not just about what I've given, but what I've gained – a community where acceptance knows no bounds and where the pursuit of excellence is a journey we embark on together, one game at a time.