Jason's Journey
The Story Behind Jason's Quest and Jason Scorcia
A Special Olympics Superhero Spreading the Message of Sports, Hope and Having Fun to Everyone!
By: Jason Scorcia
– Sports, Hope and Having Fun –
Hi! I’m Jason but a lot of people call me J.J. This was a nickname that started in elementary school, in part because there were also several other kids in my class named Jason! Do you have someone in YOUR class with the same name? It can be confusing! So people started calling me J.J. and it’s a nickname some people still use for me even today.
I also have another nickname. This one comes from my last name, which is Scorcia (SKOR-see-a). Lots of our friends and family members use the nickname “Scorch” just for fun. I think it’s supposed to mean we can all run and skate so fast it’s like we’re “on fire!” Get it? I remember when I first played hockey, sometimes people would yell “Go Scorch Go!” and that would always make me want to skate faster and faster. Playing hockey is probably one of my earliest memories of participating in team sports but I’ll save that story for one of the chapters in this little book of memories! For now, I just want to share this introduction and a very special message with you:
My name is Jason “J.J. Scorch” Scorcia and I’m a superhero on a mission – a mission to promote Special Olympics to all ages, and at every stage, from beginners to experts! It’s an important mission because I’m also working hard to raise money to help support all of my fellow Special Olympic athletes. That’s why I’m sharing my story online with you today, so that you can read all about my charity fundraising effort called Jason’s Quest, share it with your friends and family, and maybe even ask them to consider making a donation toward supporting not just Jason’s Quest, but all Special Olympics Athletes in Ontario.
With the help of Special Olympics Ontario, I plan to release a “chapter” of my story each week for the next 4 weeks and I really hope you’ll join me on this mission!
Before we start, I also want to thank the Special Olympics for their amazing artwork. If you ask me, this will almost look a little bit like a graphic novel. I hope you agree! The team has done a great job and if you think so too, be sure to post a message on the Special Olympics Facebook page to let them know.
Stay tuned next week as Jason's story continues. To donate and support Jason's Quest and Special Olympics Ontario, please click here.