Christine Tetley: Rolling High in Year Twenty-Five!

As a passionate 5-pin bowler, Christine Tetley from Dryden Ontario looks forward to bowling each week and competing in the Regional Tournament in Thunder Bay every April. For her, Special Olympics means spending time with friends, having fun, and striving to be her best.

Earlier this year, Christine represented Team Ontario at the Special Olympics National Winter Games. In anticipation of the trip, Christine said “I can't wait to travel to Calgary in February. I look forward to this experience and look forward to meeting new people.” Her team, competing against teams from all across Canada, came in fourth place in the Rocky Mountain division.

Christine’s best memories so far include winning a gold medal at last year's tournament in Thunder Bay and joining Team Ontario for the Nationals in Calgary. To all supporters, she says “thank you so much for supporting all the Special Olympics athletes. Without your support, travelling to tournaments would not be possible.”