Coach Duane Carson – Newmarket

Coach Duane Carson first became a coach for Special Olympics Ontario – Newmarket based on his drive to both help others and share his coaching skills.

“Looking back to the early stages, my interest was based on a need to help out people; a need to share a skill I have, with others; a need to give back, in whatever way I could. I saw people who were willing to learn, and learn what, was perhaps, an entirely new skill to them, and needed assistance to do so.”

Then and now, Carson sees the need for people to have a sense of friendship, be a part of a team and ignite a competitive spirit with the hopes of being the best they can at something they enjoy. As a coach, Carson has played a key role in impacting the lives of his athletes; however, such athletes have had quite the impact on coach Duane Carson himself!

“What has and continues to impact me on a personal basis are the emotions that are created when one achieves something they have worked toward, putting all their efforts into that, and finally making that accomplishment. May it be big or small, it is their accomplishment.”

Watching an athlete progress in their athletic abilities is amazing but to see them grow as a person and gain confidence in whatever they do is the best of all for Carson. From one coach to potential others, Carson says “anyone wanting to get involved as a coach will quickly realize that you will get back far more than you put in and your efforts will create and enhance personal skills that will carry on to other aspects of your life.”

In honour of National Coaches Week, we send our gratitude and thanks to coach Duane Carson. Thanks to YOU, Special Olympics athletes are able to achieve their goals in both competition and in life.