University/College Programs

SOO University and College Programs bring Unified intramural sports to college and university campuses across the province. Unified campus programs provide competitive sport opportunities for athletes who have graduated from secondary programs (aged 18-25). SO Athletes will be matched with Unified Partners from local universities and colleges to compete side by side as teammates as a part of the institutions’ intramural programs. For information about your local University or College program, please contact


College / University Programming 

Unified Sports includes approximately equal numbers of Special Olympics athletes and partners without an ID of similar ages and abilities on the playing field for both individual and team sports. All athletes and partners are recognized as equal contributors and as such develop a sense of belonging, learn to interact meaningfully with others, and forge lasting and mutually rewarding relationships beyond the playing field. 

Through our Unified programming, we will be working with Colleges and Universities across the Province to host semester tournaments alongside weekly programs to provide multiple Unified experiences to a number of both Special Olympics and Unified athletes through sport and leadership opportunities.  

To find out more about our Unified programming or if you’re interested in hosting a Unified event, please reach out to: 

Ryan Colpitts  

Program Developer, Athlete Leadership & Unified Initiatives  

