December 7, 2020 at 1:50 pm #60274
KeymasterPurpose of Report
This report is designed to be used by staff, community/club admin who is conducting the screening process for new volunteers. As this report will provide contact information, Police check upload and References information for all new volunteers in one place; admins do not have to search this info individually which will save their time. It is a listing of all volunteers whose Enrollment Status is “pre-Active”, i.e. Submitted, Pending Documents, Pending Approval and/or In Progress
User Filters – Region, Community
Output Type – HTML (display only), Excel
Report Information
Volunteer Contact Information, Enrollment(s), CRC information, Waiver Answers, References. If a Volunteer has multiple enrollments and/or multiple references, there will be one row for each combination. For example, if they applied for two (2) enrollments, and have three (3) references, a total of six (6) rows will be listed for that person
Where to find
Membership Reports in Pink menu
December 10, 2020 at 1:02 pm #60792
MaryAnn Cervin-Lawry
MemberThank you very much. Too bad there need to be multiple records to get all references, but can still work with this. I have now created a mailmerge to get all the info up to one reference, I can manually add the remainder.
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