Out of Province Travel Request Form

Out of Province Approval Request Form

  • Any Special Olympics athletes, coaches or volunteers wishing to travel out of the Province while representing Special Olympics Ontario must first obtain endorsement from Special Olympics Ontario. A request for approval must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the planned departure.
  • Team Information

  • Out of Province Event

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please include why your team would like to attend this event.
  • Attendees

  • Please list all coaches that are planning on attending this event. Include their SOO registration numbers.
  • Please list all athletes that are planning on attending the event. Include their SOO registration numbers.
  • Please list all volunteers (other than coaches) that will be attending the event. Include their SOO registration numbers and their role while at the event.
  • Examples: availability, interest, senority….
  • Examples: availability, interest, High Performance opportunity for athletes identified to attend Major Games….
  • Financials

  • Please provide a detailed budget for the event including: transportation, accommodations, tournament fees ….(meals and individual health insurance should be the responsibilty of the individuals attending)
  • Please describe how funds are going to be secured to cover the cost of attending the event.
  • Details

  • Please provide a detailed agenda of the event including travel timelines, competition outline…
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Individual Filling out the Form

  • Clear Signature