August 6, 2021 at 10:32 am #90296
KeymasterWe are pleased to announce that long awaited Family Admin report is now live on Membership Portal. Here are details of the report.
66 – Family Admin Report – Club and Up
This report can be used by volunteers to see which of their athletes’ are managed by a FA. This provides utility as often times, the contact information for the FA takes precedence over the contact information for the athlete themselves
Who have access to this report?
This report is available to Community/Club Admins. The report works by generating a list of Family Admins (FAs) that are connected to athletes with an enrollment in a selected Region/Community/Club. A new row will be created for every athlete enrollment within the selected Region/Community/Club so an athlete may have multiple rows if they have multiple athlete enrollments in the selected Region/Community/Club.
- Region/Community/Club of the athlete’s enrollments you want to filter by.
- Enrollment Status of the athlete’s enrollments you want to filter by
Output Type – HTML or Excel.
Report Output
The columns in the output of this report can be split into three sections:
- Family Admin personal information
Unique ID, First Name, Last Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Portal Email Address, Email Address 2 (Alt. Email Address)
- Athlete personal information
Unique ID, First Name, Last Name, DOB, Address: Street 1, Address: Street 2, Address: City, Address: Province, Address: Postal Code, Outstanding fees (membership balance)
- Athlete’s enrollment details
Region/District, Community/School, Club/School Program
August 25, 2021 at 3:06 pm #90318
MaryAnn Cervin-Lawry
MemberThis is extremely useful, thanks. btw, did not receive notification for this either
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