Need to make use of the Nick name field when identifying a member

    • October 28, 2019 at 7:30 pm #7944

      We have a father and son, both named Robert, volunteering.   The Son goes by Rob.  He started volunteering with a new club where the manager enrolled him as ‘Robert’, thereby creating a new member as the birthdate did not match Robert the elder.

      I have been populating the nick name field where ever a member is known by a first name different that what is recorded, and have now put ‘Robert’ in that field for Rob (the younger).

      I would suggest that when comparing name and birthdate that the nickname be checked as well before creating a new record; otherwise this will keep happening.

      MaryAnn (Oakville)

    • October 29, 2019 at 10:33 am #8032
      James Noronha

      Hi MaryAnn,

      That’s definitely a good suggestion to administrative users when you’re evaluating if two individuals are in fact the same person.

      We do consider Nickname when we are looking at duplicate records, but it is not included in the automated function because nickname isn’t consistently used and has a higher amount of variability.

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