Athlete Leadership Opportunities
Opportunities for Athlete Leaders who have participated in Athlete Leadership Program workshops include a multitude of roles, including, but not limited to acting as an Athlete Speaker, Community Athlete Representative, Peer Mentor or as member of the Athlete Leadership Council.
What qualifies an athlete to become an Athlete Leader?
- Attend or take part in an ALPs workshop when it is provided
- Understand and adhere to “Athletes Rights and Responsibilities”
- Assist other athletes, coaches or council members when asked and able to
- Ensure your activities and conduct positively reflect your participation in Special Olympics
- Be in good standing with your Community and Special Olympics Ontario

Athlete Speakers
There are ongoing opportunities for athletes to attend speaking engagements, fundraisers, sporting events, partnership presentations and more. Athlete leaders have the opportunity to represent their communities and teams at these events and talk about their experiences and role in the movement.
Community Athlete Representatives
Special Olympics Ontario communities are overseen by a group of volunteers who form a Community Council. The Council oversee the decision making in that community. Athlete leaders may have the to sit on their local Community Council and act as a representative for the athletes in their community. This role would allow athletes to share their opinions, provide feedback, and make suggestions development in the community and athlete opportunities based on feedback from their fellow athletes.
Click HERE to see the job description
Athletes as Volunteers
Athletes may have opportunities to help out with their club as a volunteer. In order to assist as a volunteer, athletes must complete the Peer Mentorship training program through Special Olympics Ontario. If you are interested in volunteering as an athlete, please complete this form
The Ontario Athlete Leadership Council
The Ontario Athlete Leadership Council is a group of Special Olympics Ontario athlete leaders who have been appointed or nominated by a member of their community or Special Olympics Ontario staff. OALC members are nominated based on their ability to provide a voice for athletes in their communities, and their commitment to ensuring athletes are able to actively participate in Special Olympics initiatives and share their unique perspectives.
Click HERE to learn more