Provincial Games Non-Athlete Application

  • The 2024 Spring Games are the qualifier for the 2026 National Summer Games. If you are interested in being considered for the National Summer Games, please check the appropriate boxes below.
  • If you are applying for the Consultant Position, Coach or Mission Staff position, please indicate the sports you are interested in.
  • If you are applying for the Consultant Position, Coach or Mission Staff position, please indicate the sports you are interested in.
  • If you are applying for the Consultant Position, Coach or Mission Staff position, please indicate the sports you are interested in.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Travel Information

  • Uniform Information

  • Emergency Contacts and Medical Information

    If you are selected for a position, the following information will be used for the Games Registration.
  • Coaching Certification

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 9999999999.
  • Please indicate if you have completed a First Aid certification. If you have additional first aid certifications please feel free to add the under other.
  • Special Olympics and Generic Sport Experience

    This section asks you to provide information about your involvement within Special Olympics.
  • Please describe your involvement and responsibilities in Generic (Non-Special Olympics) Sport (Role, Sport, Years, Location & Responsibilities - i.e. Head Coach, Martingrove Collegiate, Basketball, 2001-2003, Toronto)
  • Personal Response Questions:

    This section outlines the Skills that you bring to your district team and to Team Ontario.
  • This can be provided as a list and brief description. (i.e. Competition Planning - Member of the 2011 Regional Swim Competition)
  • What is most important to you within this organization?
  • Please answer this question in the context of the role(s) for which you are applying Mission Staff, Head Coach or Associate Coach
  • Availability

    Please review the job description carefully to ensure you are able to fulfill the time commitment for all positions you are applying for.
  • Depending on your answers to the above questions... please provide any notes of explanation or any availability considerations that you feel may be relevant to this application.
  • References

    Applicants must attach a letter of reference to this application form. Attachments can be in word, pdf, or image file formats.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: php, php3, php4, php5, phtml, exe, pl, cgi, html, htm, js, jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Confirmation & Submit

      Thank you for your interest in the Special Olympics Ontario Provincial Spring Games and National Summer Games. You will have an opportunity to review the entire application on the next page. By signing below you will confirm that the material contained in this application is true. You also acknowledge and understand that applications will be kept confidential and will be shared with the Special Olympics Ontario 2024 Provincial Spring Games Organizing Committee and the 2026 National Summer Games Organizing Committee. This information will also be provided to the District Team Manager and the Team Ontario Leadership team. Use the mouse to sign in the space provided.
    • Clear Signature