School Feature: Char-Lan Crusaders from Cornwall

hayleypNews, Story Highlights

“Char-Lan is a small, rural high school in Williamstown, Ontario. The school always competes well on the high school sports teams, and their Special Olympics team is no different. They are so thankful to get the chance to participate in the local Special Olympics Ontario tournaments. For the last two years, they even had a chance to host the soccer tournament, and it was a huge success. The school’s Link Crew class assisted with the day, and the school population came out to cheer on their athletes. It was a beautiful sunny day, and many schools from the eastern Ontario area competed.”

In addition, Char-Lan participates every year in Special Olympics basketball, bocce, floorball & track and field (when it’s offered in person).  

“Our Special Olympics athletes truly enjoy participating in these tournaments, and many of our students often ask to come to play with them on unified teams,” coach Shirley MacDonell says,” This is real inclusion. It makes them feel proud and special, and they really look forward to each event. It’s also a great social event where they get to connect with students from other schools. I’m not quite sure where they would have such opportunities otherwise.” 

Char-Lan plans to participate in Special Olympics events for as long as they are offered.  They are very well organized, and parents often come to watch their athletes play. It promotes a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness as well as developing sportsmanship skills in students.”